About Us

ArtVerified.com operates as a member supported network of artists & galleries. We join together to help each other in an online arts community. Our Web site provides a comprehensive directory of visual artists and galleries. It also provides easy access to a variety of calls to artists and visual arts news worldwide. All of what we do contributes to providing a positive impact in the visual arts community worldwide.

ArtVerified.com first took form in 2019 as an idea. It all began when founding member and artist Tony Curry wanted to create a platform to give artists greater visibility to the interior design community.  ArtVerified.com was developed  in 2020 to include artists throughout the arts community worldwide.

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Our Founder Tony Curry has been a professional visual artist for over 20 years.

"I understand the ups and downs of the art market and how important it is to market your art as strategically as possible. It all comes down to standing out from the crowd and getting in front of the right audience. That's where ArtVerified comes in.

Interior designers are always looking for original art to incorporate into their design projects for clients. I have personally done business with many of them and have hundreds of works of art in beautiful homes, offices and collections around the world.

Our Art Verified Artist  & Gallery Directory only contains high quality original Art. I personally verify and put my own reputation on the line to thousands of designers by highly recommending the artists & galleries represented."

-Tony Curry